A Note from Pastor Roger

Dear Church Family,

This weekend is a milestone moment in the life of our church. Our CityRise Bellaire campus has been renovated, and our Building Dedication & Celebration open house for it is this Sunday evening, August 4 from 4-6p. You have given so faithfully, and we want you to come and see what your gifts have accomplished. Everyone is welcome as we dedicate this campus and the new spaces to the Lord.
Then, on Monday evening, August 5, you are invited to the return of August Apologetics. This annual event featuring well-known guest speakers has been so helpful for so many who have questions about their faith. Each night begins at 6:30p at our West U Baptist campus (6218 Auden), and they are free and open to the public, which means these nights are perfect opportunities to invite family members, friends, co-workers, neighbors or anyone who is skeptical of Christ and the Christian faith or who merely has questions.

See the schedule and topics below!
Also this coming Monday, I will take my annual two-week sabbatical. This time has been designed for rest, renewal, and reflection. I have learned that it’s a vital time on my journey as your pastor. Would you pray that the Lord would guide me for what lies ahead? Thank you for your faithfulness.

We'll see you on Sunday!

Stay Expectant,
Pastor Roger
Unable to join us in person on Sunday? You're welcome to be with us online at one of our livestreamed services through the following ways:

CityRise AppLivestreams Page
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